Another amazing gesture from our district and school board! Please contact the district office for more information.
over 2 years ago, CAL Athletics
Drivers Ed
SAVE THE DATE! Applegate Elementary School is hosting an Open House BBQ on Thursday, September 15th, from 5:00 - 6:30!
over 2 years ago, Heidi Brown
Designed for families with work and/or commute schedules that require an earlier start or later pick up time from school, Applegate Elementary School offers Before and/or After School Care at no cost. This includes Wednesday (early release day). In order to adequately staff programs, please REGISTER your child - even if it's only one or two days per week, we want to plan and be prepared. The before school program begins at 7:00am and the after school program begins after school (3:00 every day except Wednesdays it begins at 1:00) and runs until 5:00pm. Forms can be picked up from the school office or downloaded here: For more information, contact our school secretary at 541-935-2896.
over 2 years ago, Heidi Brown
HS volleyball is not traveling to Mapleton this Thursday (9/1), but instead is playing at home at 6 pm against Elkton. Go Cougs!
over 2 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Crow loves hosting international students! We have some still needing homes and this company will donate $1000 to our school. If you are willing please inquire. P.S. we would love a few more football players :)
over 2 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Exchange Students
Click the link for an opportunity for 4-H Robotics offered for Lane County!
over 2 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Parents, students and community members, We are looking for help in volunteers to be line judges (flaggers) for our volleyball games this Friday (8/26). We have games at 2, 3:30 and 5 pm. Please, if you are willing to help, let Kevin Rodemack know at P.S. Seniors are required to have 40 hours of community service for graduation this year, this would count towards their community service hours. Thanks!
over 2 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Applegate Elementary School Panthers - we are looking forward to the first day of school on Tuesday, September 6th! The office is open 8-4, so feel free to stop by with registration materials or any questions. And remember, TSP sport fees are paid by the District again, so we hope you're signing up to play!
over 2 years ago, Heidi Brown
A reminder that no MS/HS athlete will be allowed to participate in practices until they have all their registration competed through FamilyID. In addition, they need an up to date physical that is done every two years. If you have any quesitons, please reach out to Kevin Rodemack at HS Football practices start 8/15 with pratices on MWF from 6-8 pm and T/TH practices being doubles at 9 am and then 6 pm. HS Volleyball practices will be from 7-10 am each morning next week. Go Tigers/Cougars!
over 2 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
August School Board Meeting August 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM, Applegate Board Room In-Person and open to the public Join virtually at Meeting ID: 836 0481 7155 Passcode: 308118 Agenda available at
over 2 years ago, CAL Information
A reminder that CMHS sports registration night is tomorrow 8/9 @ 6:30. This is to hear a brief message from the Athletic Director, and receive help in signing up on our online platform this year. This is for all athletes 6th-12th grade and for all sports throughout this school year. Follow the link to start the online app for sports registration:
over 2 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Updated Board Agenda for the CAL School Board meeting June 15 at 7:00 PM
almost 3 years ago, CAL Information
Last newsletter of the year! Hope everyone has a great summer vacation!
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
CAL June School Board meeting. June 15 at 7:00 PM at AES or online. Agenda can be found here
almost 3 years ago, CAL Information
The gym is set up and we are ready to recognize our graduates tomorrow night at 7pm!
almost 3 years ago, CAL Athletics
Our graduation tomorrow will be live streamed through the NFHS network. You need to have a log in, but no subscription is required. Once logged in, search Crow HS and you will find the link. Here is the link to the website below. Thanks
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Safety Incident Update from Superintendent Brown June 9, 2022
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Update from Superintendent Brown - June 2022
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack