Latest CMHS Newsletter. Have a great weekend!

April Update from Superintendent Brown
22-23 School Calendar

Invitation to review English Language Arts instructional materials and provide feedback.

Congrats to Stacee for winning our Sophomore Raffle!

CMHS is still looking for a head MS track coach. Please contact Principal Rodemack if you have any questions at krodemack@cal.k12.or.us

The Crow-Applegate-Lorane SD is looking for Budget members. This is a volunteer position and you must be living in the CAL school District. Terms are 3 years and meetings begin April 21, 2022. With additional meetings on May 5, 2022 and May 12, 2022 (if needed) 7:00 in the board room at Applegate Elementary. Come be a part of the budget process.
Any questions please contact Lee Ann Hartwig
lhartwig@cal.k12.or.us or call the district office at 541/935-2100

Here is the agenda for the District's School Board Meting on March 17 https://5il.co/1732x

The CAL School District would like to give a big thanks to Veneta Figaro's Pizza for their generous donation to CAL athletics!

Zero Period Weight Class showing off their muscles!

The Crow-Applegate-Lorane SD is looking for Budget members. This is a volunteer position and you must be living in the CAL school District. Terms are 3 years and meetings begin April 21, 2022. With additional meetings on May 5, 2022 and May 12, 2022 (if needed) 7:00 in the board room at Applegate Elementary. Come be a part of the budget process.
Any questions please contact Lee Ann Hartwig lharwig@cal.k12.or.us or call the district office at 541/935-2100

March Superintendent Update

Here is the link to sign up for our blood drive.

Crow Blood Drive! See the attached flyer.

Sent our girls off in style. Good luck Lady Cougs!

Latest CMHS Newsletter. Good luck Lady Cougs! Beat Crane!

Mask Mandate ending March 19, 2022
Announcement from Superintendent Brown

Our Lady Cougars won their game tonight 44 to 43! Great job ladies! We now play Crane on Saturday. Cougs are in the top 16!