Parents, Our booster club is looking for volunteers to help run concession during our volleyball games. If you are willing to help, please contact Shaylee Harmon at Thanks, and Go Cougs!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
The first day of school at CMHS will be September 7th and only for middle school students. High school students will join the middle school on their first day, September 8th. We can't wait to see all the students on site! Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks, Principal Rodemack
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
ā€‹After tremendous collaborative work from CAL SD's Shared Leadership Team (consisting of students, parents, health professionals, teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators) we are sharing our "Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan". This will be updated frequently and we welcome feedback.
over 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
Our Jamboree originally schedule for Aug. 28th has been cancelled. We look forward to cheering on our HS team next week as they travel to Siletz! Go Cougs!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Message from Superintendent Heidi Brown regarding plan for safely opening school and invitation to reach out with any specific needs. We are all in this together.
over 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
A reminder that CMHS registration will start tomorrow 8/24 from 4-8 pm. Wednesday 8/25 from 8-4 pm and Thursday 8/26 from 4-8 pm. We will attempt to have as much of the registration outside and masks optional, but if inside any building, people are required to wear a mask per governor's mandate. Can't wait to see you!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
There is a School Board Work Session on Saturday, Aug. 21. 9:00 - 12:00 and 1:00 - 4:00 to work on Superintendent/School Board Operating Agreements with Steve Kelly from OSB. This is open to the public.
over 3 years ago, CAL Information
As families begin planning for school to begin on Sept. 7th, we are pleased to share that before and after school childcare will be available. Space is limited, so call the office to sign up: 541-935-2100.
over 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
Our middle school sports teams need a few more athletes to have a season. We have football, volleyball, and possibly cheer for 6-8 grade. There are no sports fees so participation is free! Sign up packets are available in the CMHS office. If you have any questions, please call the school or email at
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Agenda for the August 19th Board Meeting is available at
over 3 years ago, CAL Information
We will not be able to offer sports physicals to athletes on Monday 8/16 as the doctor is no longer available. Students will not be able to participate in sports practices until they have an up to date physical. We have contacted Orchid Health, which is located in Elmira High School's parking lot, and they have appointments available and charge $25 for a physical. See Orchids information below. We apologize for the inconvenience. Go Cougs! Orchid Health Fern Ridge Clinic 24934 Fir Grove Ln. Elmira, Oregon 97437 Phone: 541-234-3255
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Welcome Back BBQ September 1, 2021
over 3 years ago, CAL Information
Back to School BBQ
CAL School District is pleased to announce that there will be NO REQUIRED FEES to participate in athletics this year! Go Cougars!!
over 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
Tonight is the July Board Meeting at 7:00 pm. In-Person limited to the Board of Directors, Administrators and District Staff only. Virtual access is open to the public via Zoom at Agenda online
over 3 years ago, CAL Information
We have received the Governor's announcement today. We have also heard the requests of many of our families and thank them for reaching out. With more than a month until school begins, there are continued possibilities for change, so we will move slowly in our planning.
over 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
ā€‹As we head back to school this fall, click the link for Superintendent Heidi Brown's announcement regarding protocols to ensure school is both safe and welcoming.ā€‹ ā€‹
over 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
Congrats to our own Tilda. Grand champion of market poultry! Great job at the fair!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
There was an active shooter situation at the Lane County Fair Grounds while Crow FFA and 4H was present. Police have resolved the situation and no students or staff were harmed. Thank you to the police force for acting quickly and keeping people safe.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
A few more. Way to represent Cougs!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
A few pics of Crow representing at fair.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack