Lane County case rates are sharply down in the updated School Opening Metric - https://5il.co/orzl. Advisory still in the Orange Zone. Hybrid in-person learning enters its first full week at Applegate Elementary School.

Virtual CAL SD Board of Directors and Supt. Search Committee Training - Open to the Public - Feb. 2, 2021 at 7:00pm. See link for agenda and virtual meeting url - https://5il.co/p71m.

This might be easier to access the link below for changes to distance learning at CMHS second semester.

AES Parents: All arrivals/dismissals at the main entrance only. Please stay in your car. ARRIVAL: Drop off at the yellow access ramp. Dismissal: Line up behind buses & pick up kids along the curb. Kids won't be allowed to enter the gravel lot. Thank you for your patience.

Hybrid in-person classes at Applegate Elementary are closed due icy roads. Distance Learning classes will be held as scheduled for CMHS. 1/27/2021 6:00am

Jan. 26, 2021 at 2:24pm. Snowing heavily and sticking in the CAL School District. Rain expected into the early morning hours on Wed., Jan. 27, but if snow persists, check for school opening status on CAL website, social media, and flashalerteugene.net.

A long time coming: The updated school opening metric tracker has new information related to Applegate Elementary's opening to hybrid in-person classes - https://5il.co/orzl. For more detailed information go to https://5il.co/owx3. CMHS remains in distance learning mode.

Please see Applegate Elementary School's plan for hybrid in-person classes beginning Wed., Jan. 27, 2021 via the following link: https://5il.co/owx3. A phone message to AES families and staff will follow shortly. Let the second message go to voicemail to hear it more than once.

This weeks CMHS Newsletter. Have a great weekend!

Lane County COVID-19 Vaccine Town Hall (virtual) January 21, 7:00pm-8:30pm. See flyer at https://5il.co/oshj.

ODE has issued new school opening guidance and updated the advisory metrics. CAL Schools will be working through the guidance and provide an updated status on Friday, Jan. 22. The new metric can be seen at https://5il.co/orzl. For more information go to https://5il.co/orzn.

The Crow-Applegate-Lorane SD Board of Directors will hold it's regular monthly meeting on Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 7:00pm. The meeting is open to the public via phone-in link. Please see the agenda (https://5il.co/os0n) for log-in details.

CAL SD families - ODE's revised school guidance will be released this afternoon. There may be 'hot takes' aplenty, but our staff will read it carefully and review of our infection protocols from top-to-bottom to ensure student and staff safety. Our next update: Friday, Jan. 22.

This weeks newsletter for CMHS. No school on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Football players needed!
Crow High School is in need of football players for the 2020-21 football season.
Coach Bell and Coach Harrison need at least 10 players to move ahead with the football season.
February 1st will be the deadline for deciding if there will be a football season.
That means that we will need 10 players who have their physicals and sports packets completed by February 1st.

Here's this week's school opening metric tracker - https://5il.co/jtz2. Lane County case rates are on the rise again. ODE and OHA will be issuing revised metrics and school guidance on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.

Latest CMHS Newsletter! Have a great weekend!

Parents/Guardians of K-12 students, please fill out this survey about in person learning.

Updated School Opening Metrics show Lane County case counts in the red zone but coming down, while positivity rates reach their highest level since the Thanksgiving holiday. Click the report link here - https://5il.co/jtz2.

Following Gov. Brown's holiday break announcement, in-person instruction is a hot topic for the CAL SD Staff. Staff meetings and consultation with ODE and Lane County Public Health are ongoing this week. District plans will be shared this Friday, January 8 in this space.