Nearly 60% of our anticipated fall enrollment have added input on our fall reopening planning, and we thank you. Family input is vital in our planning. If you haven't already done so, please add your voice. The survey closes August 5th.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
Families - Please participate in this fall reopening survey. We may be a small district, but bells and whistles aside, we put your voice and health/safety first.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
Fall planning is ongoing for CAL SD Schools. Surveys of families and staff will begin soon. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
over 4 years ago, Malcom McRae
Miss our senior graduation this year? Follow the link to get a glimpse of our memorable ceremony!
over 4 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Sweet Briar Farms is looking for a part time middle or high school student to work, minimum wage. For info, call 541-915-7447
over 4 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Chromebooks, musical instruments, and other school returns can be brought to the high school this week from 9-3, including Friday. In addition, we will have returns accepted till 7 pm on Thursday 6/25. Thanks, Principal Rodemack
over 4 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
CAL SD Board of Directors will meet at 7:00pm on June 18, 2020 at the Lorane Grange. Agenda -; Budget Hearing Notice -; 2020-21 Budget Resolution - Open to the public. Executive Session at 6:00p (closed to the public ).
almost 5 years ago, Malcom McRae
Still have a Chromebook, library book, or other items to return to school? Drop off hours are 8:00-11:30am, June 15-18, at Applegate Elementary School. Evening hours are from 4:00-7:00pm on Tuesday, June 16. Call 541-935-2100 to make other arrangements.
almost 5 years ago, Malcom McRae
8th grade rec was a lot of fun! Staff loved seeing the kids and even saw a horse or two! Thanks to all that participated.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
8th rec
June 11 AES Summer Farewell clarification: This will be a drive-through event only. Staff will be out along the curb to collect work packets and wish everyone an awesome summer. Come by between 3:00pm and 4:30pm and take home a sweet bag o' goodies!!!
almost 5 years ago, Malcom McRae
A reminder that our 8th grade recognition is a drive-thru ceremony this year. We hope to see the kids and their families on June 9th from 6-7 pm as we hand out certificates and awards. Thanks, Principal Rodemack
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Summer Farewell: Please come by and see us one last time before summer begins.Teachers, aides, cooks, bus drivers, and office staff will be out front at Applegate Elementary School on June 11 from 3:00-4:30pm. Turn in your final work packet and let's celebrate summer with you!
almost 5 years ago, Malcom McRae
Parents of Seniors, It has been brought to my attention that some parents have questions or concerns about the logistics of our graduation ceremony. I apologize for this severely short notice, but I will hold a parent meeting tomorrow morning at 9:30 to answer any questions parents may have, and to listen to any input parents have about the ceremony. The meeting is rushed because there is not a lot of time before our ceremony and I was informed this time worked best, click on the link below to attend. I encourage you to reach out to me if you are unable to attend and have questions about the event. Thank you, Principal Rodemack Senior Parent Mtg Fri, May 29, 2020 9:30 PM - 11:00 PM (PDT) Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) United States: +1 (571) 317-3122 - One-touch: tel:+15713173122,,491995237# Access Code: 491-995-237 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
CAL SD furlough days - Like other school districts in Oregon, we anticipate budget reductions of approximately 8% in the 2020-21 year. To save funds, all district staff will be furloughed one day weekly (May 22-June 12). NOTE: Teachers may not take the same day off each week.
almost 5 years ago, Malcom McRae
Date: May 20, 2020 Crow Applegate Lorane Community, The following is meant to give guidance to our upcoming graduation ceremony on June 5th at 7pm, gates open at 6pm. This graduation ceremony is not required by any seniors or their families. We want to put peopleā€™s safety and health at the top of our priorities. We will be adhering to all social distancing guidelines, and ask attendees to do the same. To start, in following guidelines, this yearā€™s graduation will be held at our football field. Graduates will be seated in chairs on the field, six feet apart, facing our stands. All seniors and speakers will be required to wear masks. People attending the ceremony will remain in their cars the entirety of the ceremony, parked around the track. Upon arrival at the field, a staff member will be directing cars and handing out programs and we apologize that no preferential parking will be able to be given to families as parking will be based on arrival order. Families safely carpooling is encouraged to limit the amount of vehicles present. Graduation starts at 7pm and we encourage people to arrive earlier to make sure the extra requirements to parking will be wrapping up prior to the event starting. On the track we ask vehicles to maintain a slow and safe speed during the entire ceremony process. During the ceremony, we will be using the stadiums speakers, but will also have the speakers being broadcasted over the radio. This is a short distance broadcast and most likely will not be able to be obtained much farther from the schoolā€™s grounds. In addition, we plan on broadcasting the ceremony via live stream over Facebook or YouTube. We hope the live stream will help people who want to remain home to still be capable of being a part of the ceremony. In addition, the school will be taking pictures of the entire ceremony and each graduate to be shared with all of the families. The ceremony itself will hopefully feel very normal. Graduates enter, take their seats in front of the stands. A special presentation of the Star Spangled Banner will be given by Mr. Dixon on his trombone. We will then have the speeches given. When it is time, graduates will be walking up to the stands, one at a time, and receive their diploma. At this time, board member Jeff Ramp will be sharing a story of the graduate and listing any/all awards and scholarships given to the student. After diplomas are given, the graduates will be able to toss their caps on the football field; all while maintaining social distancing guidelines. To end, and possibly the hardest part to follow guidelines, is that graduates will be asked to get in their vehicles immediately after the ceremony is finished. We plan on having the graduates taking a lap with their families, and then will leave the school grounds immediately afterwards. Once the graduates have left the track, staff will direct attendees to exit the schoolā€™s grounds. We ask that all follow social distancing guidelines by not getting out of their vehicle for pictures and leave school grounds immediately after the ceremony. As we near the date, I would like to state that these details are subject to change, and any changes will be communicated. If you have any questions on this process, please contact me at my email below. Thank you, Principal Rodemack
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
CHS Class of 2020 - Applications for the Karen Diess Memorial Scholarship and the Edward E. Cooper Scholarship are due on June 2. Submit to the CAL SD District Office or by email to
almost 5 years ago, Malcom McRae
Crow-Applegate-Lorane SD Board of Directors (in person) meeting in the Applegate Board Room on Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 7:00pm. Executive Session at 6:30pm. Agenda link:
almost 5 years ago, Malcom McRae
Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020. Oregon is participating in the National Primetime Graduation Special Saturday (5/16/20) at 5:00pm PDT. ODE Press Release: NOTE: Starts at 5:00pm PDT.
almost 5 years ago, Malcom McRae
Crow Middle High School cheer teams are looking for themed basket donations for a raffle they are planning to hold this spring. We will be using the money raised to go towards new cheer uniforms among other items. We would greatly appreciate any donation you are able to give. Weather it be a entire themed basket or a few items to go towards another basket. We will be providing a donation receipt with the tax ID number for your records. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Shaylee at (541) 248-7790 or at On behalf of all the cheerleaders and coaches we thank you for your consideration.
almost 5 years ago, Malcom McRae
CMHS Kahoot Challenge! Students, see how many questions you can answer from all the different classes at CMHS. The more you get correct the better chance your grade can claim the class trophy!
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Rodemack