Latest CMHS Newsletter! Bring on October!

Shout out to Crow football and Lucas Garcia. He scored four touchdowns last week and was recognized by OSAA! Lets do it again at Siletz tonight, Lucas!

Order a custom shirt for you favorite athlete! See the attachment for more details.

Latest CMHS Newsletter!

CMHS wants apples for making cider. If you want to donate apples to our Ag program, please contact Tracy Engholm at tengholm@cal.k12.or.us

A reminder pictures are actually happening tomorrow (9/22) for CMHS.

The agenda for the School Board meeting on September 21, 2023 is available here https://5il.co/24y6c

The HS football game against T-Lake tomorrow (9/15) is cancelled. We look forward to hosting next Friday at 7 pm.

September Superintendent Update

Amazing first week at CMHS! Here is the first newsletter of the year.

Crow-Applegate-Lorane is using REMIND for communication. Here's some more info:

Congrats to Alden O. for placing 3rd place over all and 1st in implement hook up for the state! Very proud.

Shout out to Alden O. representing Crow at the state tractor driving competition! Best of luck and go Cougs!

The agenda for the August 17th 2023 board meeting is available here https://5il.co/21rea

Thank you to all that attended our our sports sign-up meeting. If you haven't already, all MS/HS athletes need to be signed up through FamilyID. In addition, they need a physical within the last two years. Follow the link below to sign up!

CMHS is looking for an HS Assistant Volleyball Coach. Information available at:

Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!

Congrats to the class of 2023! Graduatuon is tonight at 7 pm in the CMHS gym.

We want to inform you about the decision we have made on our cell phone policy at CMHS. Thanks to a strong turn out in family input, we have gotten feedback from nearly half the families we serve. We want families to know that we appreciate that feedback and have built our decision around it. Using feedback to make decisions is one of our driving factors as we serve you and your students.
We have decided to have a zero tolerance classroom policy for phones, beginning Fall 2023. Meaning, we won't allow student usage of phones in any classroom, but students may continue to have phones at school to use during non-class times. Our district is fortunate enough to ensure every student has a chromebook for classes that can be used for research and assignment completion; therefore, a cell phone is not needed. This policy prioritizes instructional time during the school day, yet allows for some cell phone usage during non-class times.
If parents need to reach their student during class time, please call the office. Urgent messages will be delivered and/or the student may be called to the office to speak over the phone.
Again, this decision is based on the large majority of answers given by parents supporting this option, along with staff and student feedback. We appreciate those who took the time to give us input, and we are here to answer any questions you may have.

The agenda for the June 15, 2023 CAL School Board Meeting is available at https://5il.co/1w7cs