We will be streaming our lip sync battle at the HS through YouTube. The link is below. It will be starting around 230.

Feb 2022 update from Superintendent Brown

Agenda for the February 10, 2022 board meeting is available at https://5il.co/153u5

Due to road conditions CAL schools are on a 2 hour delay today - Tuesday, Feb. 1

Our wrestling dual against Cottage Grove will be streamed live on the NFHS network!

A reminder that the Crow/Elmira wrestling team has a dual meet against Cottage Grove in our high school gym starting at 515 tonight. No entrance fee. Come support our wrestlers!

Both our boys and girls games are postponed tonight 1/27 against McKenzie. Hope everyone stays safe and has a great weekend.

Latest CMHS Newsletter. Homecoming Week!

Latest CMHS Newsletter. Last week of the first semester!

We got a sneak peek to our drama production today and it was hilarious! Make sure to come out and support our drama class tomorrow. Doors open at 430 and play starts at 5 pm.

Our boys and girls games against McKenzie (1/22) have been postponed.

Our girls basketball game is now canceled for tonight. Also, our boys game against Mohawk tomorrow 1/19 is postponed.
Thank you all for understanding the need for flexibility this year in sports.

Let's try this again :) Band concert on Jan. 24th
If unable to attend we will be streaming it live. Link will be posted soon.

Both our boys and girls game tonight (1/18) are now postponed tonight against T-Lake. Our boys game against Milo Adventist Academy is also cancelled tomorrow (1/19). Our girls are still playing tomorrow (1/19).

Latest CMHS Newsletter!

Our girls BB game vs T-Lake on Tuesday 1/18 is postponed. Our boys are still scheduled to play at 7 pm.

The agenda for the January 20th meeting (7:00 PM at the Applegate Board Room) is available here https://5il.co/14c7y

Our band concert, originally scheduled for 1/12 is being rescheduled to 1/24 at 7pm. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The following is an announcement pertaining to sports in the CAL school district. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. A letter will be sent home with student athletes as well.

Our basketball games against Mapleton tomorrow (1/11) will not have visiting fans allowed. The following is a link for the game to be viewed live on YouTube.