about 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
HS basketball against McKenzie tonight (1/4) has been postponed due to weather. We will post when we have a new date scheduled. Thanks
about 3 years ago, CAL Athletics
FFA is doing a tree pickup fundraiser. Hope everyone enjoys the holidays.
about 3 years ago, CAL Athletics
We are still looking for a volunteer to run our scoreboard during the girls basketball game tonight at 5:30. If anyone is willing to help out, please contact Principal Rodemack at krodemack@cal.k12.or.us Thanks!
about 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
With school being closed, our HS basketball game for tonight (12/14) is postponed to a later date. Stay safe and warm.
over 3 years ago, CAL Athletics
Due to unsafe driving conditions there will be no school today December 14 for the Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District. Please be careful if you go out.
over 3 years ago, CAL Information
Tomorrow, Tuesday December 14th the Crow Applegate Lorane School District will be on a 2-hour delay due to inclement weather. Please check here for updates
over 3 years ago, CAL Information
IN-PERSON Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District Board of Directors Public Meeting December 16, 2021 at 7:00 PM, Lorane Grange In-Person, open to the public, masks required. Corrected Agenda can be found at https://5il.co/1333v
over 3 years ago, CAL Information
The booster club is needing volunteers to help run concessions at our home basketball games and wrestling meets. If you are wanting to help out, please contact Shaylee Harmon at sharmon@cal.k12.or.us Thanks!
over 3 years ago, CAL Athletics
Congrats to the lady Cougars for winning their tournament today! Bringing home the hardware! Go Cougs!
over 3 years ago, CAL Athletics
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
IN-PERSON Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District Board of Directors Public Meeting December 16, 2021 at 7:00 PM, Lorane Grange In-Person, open to the public, masks required. Agenda can be found at https://5il.co/1315y
over 3 years ago, CAL Information
Come cheer on the Cougars for the first home basketball game of the season! You can also watch the game live through the NFHS Network. We apologize but there will not be concessions at tonight's game. Go Cougs!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Class of 2022 Fundraiser! Candy Cane Sleighs Selling Dec.6th - Dec. 16th Includes 2 Candy Canes, 1 Kit Kat and 10 variety pack of mini Hershey's bar. $5 per sleigh
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
https://5il.co/12iog December Update from Superintendent Brown
over 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
The School Board voted... CAL SPORTS ARE FREE FOR ALL THIS YEAR, k-12! https://5il.co/1258r
over 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
Update from Superintendent Brown https://5il.co/1230m
over 3 years ago, Heidi Brown
National Honor Society will be selling swags from the 10th until the 22nd of November. They will be available for pick-up on Nov. 24th between 8 am and noon in the school office. If that time does not work please contact Kim to arrange a pick-up time. The cost is $ 20 per swag. Thank you for supporting Crow NHS. *ribbon may vary*
over 3 years ago, Kevin Rodemack
Honor Society